Thursday, May 28, 2009

RCEA Installs New Officers

Just prior to the RCEA Retirement Reception at Plantation On Sunnybrook, the RCEA installed new officers. Tammy Wood took over as president, replacing Thom Ryder. Sarah Hollett was reelected as Treasurer. Linda Hogan from NHS was elected as High School at Large representative. In addition, Kenya Huffman was appointed by the president to fill the Secretary position, and Thom Ryder was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Elementary at Large.

The ceremony was held in the beautiful garden pavilion with many of our representative attending.

RCEA Retirement Reception 2009

Watching the crowd stream in to The Plantation on Sunnybrook for the RCEA Retirement Reception was a thing to behold. On Monday May 18, People began arriving around 5pm and by 5:30 the parking lot was full and cars were parked all along Plantation Road. The facility is designed for large crowds and we certainly had one. The vast majority of our 60 plus retiring members came as did many teachers from their schools. Dr. Lange, school superintendent was there as were school board members Fuzzy Minnix, David Wymer, Jerry Canada, and chairman Drew Barrineau. In addition, Roanoke County supervisor Charlotte Moore visited us as did VEA's NEA Director, Sarah Patton. We were also fortunate to have many already retired ex members of our organization. Their presence made the whole event even more special and gave it a distinct family atmosphere.

The food was prepared by the generous staff at Plantation On Sunnybrook lead by owners Randy and Tammy Skaggs. Their staff worked hard to accommodate us.

Please enjoy these photos from the gathering.

Mark Robertson from NHS, was one of the three winners of $1000 RCEA Memorial Scholarships. The other two winners, not pictured here, were Amanda Hartman from WBHS and Courtney Lazore from NHS.

The Retirees

After the scholarship awards were presented, we took time to honor each retiree. Here's a collection of photographs of most of the retirees who were in attendance.

Honoring the Retirees

This collection of photos come from the last portion of our reception. In this part, groups of people come to the podium and say a few words about the retirees. Sometimes light-hearted and sometimes tearfully moving, this portion of the ceremony is our favorite part.