Sunday, May 18, 2008

Trouble in France

In France the battle is not over activity fees; it's over jobs.

Trouble in France

Here in Virginia, the issue is activity fees. Teachers were concerned after learning of a decision to erase all activity fees for the upcoming school year due to litigation brought against the school system by concerned parents.

The RCEA is extremely concerned about how the decision to nullify the fees will negatively impact the instructional program. Teachers may have to do without certain basic supplies or dig even deeper into their own pockets in these difficult economic times to provide the supplies the county no longer can afford.

We are also concerned about how the erasure of these fees, which will have a major financial impact (yet to be determined), will impact future salary considerations. As people are fond of saying, "The pie is only so big."

The RCEA will be vigilant and appropriately outspoken.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Kitty Wins!

Kitty Boitnott, former RCEA President and media specialist in Roanoke County, has taken the Virginia Education Association election! She will take over as VEA president on August 1.

Our organization is in strong hands!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Obama on Education

The following You Tube clip is from Barrack Obama, a candidate for President of the United States.

Obama speaks to important issues in education. While the RCEA has not nor will it endorse a candidate in the Presidential election, Obama's message does not fall on deaf ears with educators.

(If I should run across similar video from any other Presidential candidate, I will post it here.)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Report from the May 8 School Board Meeting

Report from the School Board Meeting

The May 8 school board meeting was rather quick and calm as far as these things go. However, there were several things of which may wish to learn.

The board formally approved the salary scale for the 2008-2009 school year. All teachers will receive at least a 5% raise with classified receiving the 5% and a market adjustment on top.

Funding for revamped degree program (folding bachelor’s +12 and 24 into a bachelor’s category/same for master’s) is gradually accumulating funding and may be ready for implementation for the 2009-2010 school year.

Finally, tax revenue projections for this year have tumbled. A potential deficit of $560,000 is being discussed. However, the March ADM (average daily membership) is above projection by about 200 students (budgeted 14,600 students/actual 14,802). That means more money from the state. So these funds may have some negating effects on each other.

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

The RCEA Retirement Reception and Ceremony will be held at Hidden Valley Middle School Cafeteria on Monday May 19. Refreshments and social time will begin at 5:00 with the ceremony getting under way at 5:30.

All members are cordially invited to attend the reception and ceremony. Please let your school representative know if you plan to attend.

As friends and colleagues, we appreciate the dedication and service our retirees have given to the county schools. We will miss you greatly, but we celebrate for you.

RCEA Member Retirees 2008

Janice Agee, Central Office * Diane Bishop, Oak Grove * Diana L. Bliss, Cave Spring High * Audrey Bock, Glenvar High * Judith Brammer, Green Valley * Marla Burch, William Byrd High * A.C. Burke, Glenvar Middle * Brenda Camden, Central Middle * David Carroll, Central Middle * Shelby Cassell, Glen Cove * Kathy Catron, Herman Horn * Donna Conner, Central Office * Sandi D'Alessandro, Hidden Valley High * Ed Deeds, Northside High * Mindy Harmon, Glenvar Middle * Kathy Janney, Penn Forest * Cheri Johnson, Penn Forest * Martha Johnson, Glenvar High * Bonnie Keenan, Glenvar High * Sylvia Keenan, William Byrd Middle * Dennis Layman, Hidden Valley High * Linda Levey, Hidden Valley High * Cathy Mason, Mason’s Cove * William McKinney, Cave Spring Middle * Wayne Morgan, Glenvar Middle * Barbara Reynolds, Northside High * Rae Rhodes, William Byrd High * Joyce Ross, Oak Grove * Karen Sumner, Cave Spring Middle * Mary Lou Vaniels, Cave Spring Middle * Susan Watson, Central Office * Joanne White, Mountain View * Cathy Wilkinson, Bonsack * Barbara Williams, Hidden Valley Middle

A few of our members have made the twenty-five year milestone. We wish to congratulate them and honor their service.

25 Years of Service

Ann Blomberg, Glenvar High * Mark Clark, Penn Forest * Judith Curtis, William Byrd Middle * Charlene Gardner, Burlington * Bobbie Ingle, Northside Middle * Karen Lavinder, Northside High

RCEA Memorial Scholarship

On April 16, The RCEA Memorial Scholarship Committee interviewed many applicants for our scholarship awards. The committee, made up of Sarah Hollett, Gaye Blevins, Sandra Stewart, Kenya Motley, Thom Ryder, and RCEA-Retired member Reba Tillery, is proud to announce the following scholarship/grant recipients.

Allison Broyles, HVHS * Meredith Buckley, GHS * Erika Troia, HVHS