Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My thoughts on special education coordinator job

It has come to my attention some of the special education coordinators are not happy with the new year round contracts. I want to let you know my thoughts behind it. When I was asked in the early spring of 2007 my thoughts on the year round contract, I felt what they were asking was no different than what I had already been doing. I went to my school in the summer for meetings if the principal asked. I was not getting paid for it; I just went. So the year round contract did not make any difference for me.

Some think the coordinators in high school have more work to do than coordinators at other levels. Well, I think the work is different, but not more. Doing lesson plans, teaching, along with coordinating duties are all very time consuming, as are FAPT, CPMT paperwork, and meetings. So looking at both , the jobs seem pretty equal to me.


RCEA said...

Camper (in case you don't know, Camper is our ex-president and a current special education coordinator), are these new contracts true year round contracts or are they more like 11 month or ten and a half month contracts?

How did they alter the pay?


camper said...

The contracts are year around from July 1- June 30. The pay did not change.

Newt said...

Hmmm...so does the new contract actually require a coordinator to come in during the summer on specific days or only when there is a need for a meeting, etc.

I believe that when other groups meet in summer outside the regular contract, they are compensated at a competitive hourly rate. (For example, curriculum work)

camper said...

You only go to the school when needed. The job did not change with the contract, it is still the same. You go to your school when they need you. As for hour pay, they have never given that, so far as I know. I have been going to school in the summer for the past 12 years for meeting and have not gotten any extra for it.

lmrcea said...

FYI, the librarians are paid for 10 extra days. They are required to work five days after regular teacher contracts and five days before. Why can't special ed coordinators be paid for their extra work in the same way?