Wednesday, November 28, 2007

RCPS Draft Calendar

RCPS Draft 2008-2009 Calendar Released

The school office has released a draft version of the 2008-2009 calendar this week, and in it the major request of the RCEA was dealt with positively. The calendar still must be formally be adopted by the School Board.

The RCEA Calendar Committee had asked that the school board consider building in a full two week winter break instead of having the last day before break be December 23. The Committee realized that with the calendar already compressed that it would be difficult to find the two days to trade-off. The RCEA suggested that the two days be placed at the beginning of the school year allowing for a partial week start of the school year for teachers and students.

Mr. Journell has chosen a different route to manufacture the two days. The school board was very clear in their public meetings that they wanted school to open August 25 and end by June 8. One highlight of the compromise is that the school board will allow for teachers to take a work day at home on Martin Luther King Jr Day. Schools will be open for teachers who need to get into buildings to work on grades if needed.

Overall, the RCEA Calendar Committee is well pleased with the compromise offered by Mr. Journell and the School Board.

You can view the draft calendar by visiting this link

Now let’s move on to our salary concerns…

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