Thursday, December 13, 2007


Let's play a little game of Jeopardy with some information that was unveiled in the latest NEA Report on teacher salary. The numbers reflect a snapshot of last school year across the state and country.

$44,727 ??

What is the Virginia average salary for a teacher in the 2006-2007 school year and the amount a RCPS teacher finally surpasses at Step 20 on the 2007-2008 scale.

$50,816 ??

What is the national average salary for a teacher in the 2006-2007 school year and the amount a RCPS teacher finally surpasses at Step 23 on the 2007-2008 scale.

$6,089 ??

What is the amount that the average teacher salary in Virginia for 2006-2007 was below the 2006-2007 national average teacher salary.

$5,408 ??

What is the amount that the 2007-2008 RCPS Step 10 is below the Virginia 2006-2007 state average teacher salary.

$11,497 ??

What is the amount that the 2007-2008 RCPS Step 10 is below the 2006-2007 National average teacher salary.

I’ve heard people say that comparing teacher salaries with a state or national average is like trying to hit a moving target. I suppose those people are correct. I would suggest, however, that they take better aim.

Read more about this topic at the VEA website.

?? Balanced 455 ??

What is the RCEA proposal for a three-year salary initiative that will first balance the teacher pay scale so that Step 15 is halfway between Steps 10 and 20. Additionally, the RCEA plan advocates a 4% raise for the coming 2008-2009 school year and then a 5% raise for 2009-2010 and a 5% raise for the 2010-2011 school years. Balanced 455.

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