Sunday, May 18, 2008

Trouble in France

In France the battle is not over activity fees; it's over jobs.

Trouble in France

Here in Virginia, the issue is activity fees. Teachers were concerned after learning of a decision to erase all activity fees for the upcoming school year due to litigation brought against the school system by concerned parents.

The RCEA is extremely concerned about how the decision to nullify the fees will negatively impact the instructional program. Teachers may have to do without certain basic supplies or dig even deeper into their own pockets in these difficult economic times to provide the supplies the county no longer can afford.

We are also concerned about how the erasure of these fees, which will have a major financial impact (yet to be determined), will impact future salary considerations. As people are fond of saying, "The pie is only so big."

The RCEA will be vigilant and appropriately outspoken.

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