Sunday, February 28, 2010

Join the Conversation

Join the Conversation

We live in challenging changing times. During my teaching career, we’ve gone from no computers in the classroom to classroom technology that seems to be sent to us from outer space.

The buzz for several years now has been “social networks.” It’s all about having a conversation with each other and sharing information rapidly. Over the past three years, since it opened itself up to the general public, Facebook has exploded with users. These days, if you want to find out something, you most likely can find it out on Facebook.

This document is a collection of social networking sites both on Facebook and on the more “old-fashioned” blogs (weblogs).

Facebook Groups

Lots of education groups are jumping into Facebook, including RCEA. You should be able to monitor these groups without a Facebook account, but if you wish to join the conversation, you will need a free account. Beware of what personal information you share.

· Save Virginia Schools!/pages/Support-Virginia-Schools/160746811211?ref=mf

Sponsored by VEA, this group is focused on discussing today’s budget crisis.

· Virginia Citizens in Favor of Saving K-12 Education!/group.php?v=wall&ref=ts&gid=302761093322

Begun in response to the education budget crisis, this group is a true grass roots, public offering.

Hands Off VRS!!/group.php?gid=270187057292&ref=ts

Focused specifically on saving VRS, this group supports our brothers in fire-fighting, law enforcement, state employees, paramedics, and teachers in our battle to save our VRS.

Roanoke County Education Association!/group.php?gid=290992747503&ref=ts

Hey, it’s easy to update this group with happenings in the RCEA. We try to get the word out about simple legislative action requests through this venue. Be sure to JOIN us!

Virginia Education Association!/VirginiaEducationAssociation?ref=ts

Your professional organization. Loads of information and a connection to educators all across the state.

National Education Association!/NEA.ORG?ref=search&sid=832647855.3953585368..1

Connect with teachers and educators from all over the country. The world just grew smaller.

Roanoke County Schools!/RoanokeCoPublicSchools?ref=ts

You can keep abreast of the goings on in our school district.


Blogs have been around since the mid-1990’s. They grew out of the old Listserv’s that were popular in the late 80’s and early 90’s. They are an excellent way to share specific content. The RCEA has used our blog instead of a newsletter this year.

Roanoke County Education Association

We try to keep our site updated several times a month. Our beat is the local school board meetings as well as how state education issues our professional environment.

RCPS Budget Blog

Penny Hodge joined the blog bonanza last year with this excellent budget resource. This blog is true transparency at work.

VEA Daily Reports

Rob Jones and Doris Boitnott work hard for us in Richmond. During budget season, they update this blog daily. You can find all the sad and depressing news here, along with a sparkle of sunshine every now and then.

Kevin Myatt’s Weather Blog

I leave you with a link to Kevin Myatt’s blog at Kevin is a true inspiration when it comes to weather. If more people would read Kevin’s blog, perhaps I’d get fewer questions about the weather.

Armed with your collection of social network sites, you can confidently join the conversation.

~Thom Ryder RCEA

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