6. Hearing of the Citizens: (Mostly Clearbrook Elementary parents spoke)
- Chuck Lionberger-PTA: Short announcement.
- Chris Rhea- Clearbrook parent speaking on budget cuts. Encouraged all of us to contact legislators regarding budget cuts. Thanked the school board. Wants to partner with the board on cuts. Does not believe that school closings are the answer. Thinks closing of Fort Lewis and Clearbrook will cause a tsunami. Should not close a quality school.
- Randy Kingery: From Clearbrook Civic League. Spoke in favor of keeping Clearbrook open. People who go to Clearbrook...stay in Clearbrook and serve the community. "It would break my heart if were closed or went by the wayside at all."
- Mike Wray: "These are budget times that try people's souls...." He told the board that his group wants to help the school board to find a way to keep the school open. Mike said that the growth in the area will keep the school at capacity. This school should not be closed.
- Fuzzy Minnix thanked the people from Clearbrook who came out to speak tonight. He's hopeful that there are ways to keep all our schools open. "Not just in my school district...anywhere in the county."
- Drew Barrineau: said that with the $7 million cut last year, people didn't feel it. If you want to help...write your delegates. Elections matter. This is important to us...the power of thousands. Exercise your God-given right to vote and share your thoughts.
- David Wymer: The Board is trying to make education workable. He appreciates citizen support. We are getting 66% support based on the composite index at the local level. The state people think it's easier to extract cuts at the local level than the state. "Now is the opportune time to contact legislators."
- Jerry Canada: "Went to Richmond last year and found that legislators are completely polarized. There are no moderates. If you go against the flow, the flow will get rid of you." He said that he had never been political from the pulpit, but he is willing to roll that dice now. No one knows how it will shake out next year. He doesn't want to close schools. He doesn't want to lay people off, yet people will probably be laid off.
- Mike Stovall: Talked about how polarized the climate is. The State Secretary of Education spoke to school board people last week and he talked about new initiatives and new programs that would take money away from public schools. He left after a cold reception.
8. Action Items:
- Change orders for current construction projects: WBHS, MPES, CSES, GVES. Approved. (Fort Lewis should be back w/cafe by early March.)
- Budget Reductions for 20010-2011: Penny Hodge$2.4 Million (contingency-$641K, Central Middle-495K, Reduce/eliminate Central office positions-317K, Bent Mtn-507K, Driver's ed/Health combine-178K, Close RE Cook-107K, Eliminate 50% subsidy of Nutrition fund-66K, Eliminate 4 bus routes-40K, Eliminate board funded field trips-24K, Eliminate Stanford 4th grade testing-17K, Eliminate 6th grade intramurals-9K)...no doubt more cuts will be forthcoming as the budget process continues.
9. Information Agenda
- Approval of Evaluation Forms: Submitted-no comment
- Update of Charter School Regulations- Cecil Snead. Due to movement in Governor's office and the Federal executive office. Lawyer Pat Lacey, clean up language in advance of any future regulations.
- Fuzzy Minnix: No problem with Governor wanting to experiment with Charter Schools...but he has a HUGE problem with this experimentation in these times! When this money takes away from public schools! "It does not make any sense to me."
- David Wymer: Regarding Governor's proposal...will the new bill presented to the assembly require a change in local policy. Lawyer Lacey says that it will require some changes. Wymer said that if Charters come into being, it's the beginning of leading us down a slippery slope.
- Mike Stovall: That's why the Secretary of Education didn't have a warm welcome. Charters will lead to resegregation of schools. (Comment: That's the second time I've heard similar language about charter schools. My other source for this said the Secretary of education's people used the term,"racially identifiable" schools.)
10. Superintendent's Report: None
11. Board Member's Reports: None
Meeting over around 8pm
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